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Writers' Recognition

Now it's time to really meet the fabulous beauty gurus that have been giving you all of your fantastic advice, tips, tutorials, and reviews!

Meet the Gurus

Autumn Angelettie started her beauty blogging career in May 2012 when she launched Aisles of Beauty with the purpose of giving teens like her guidance in the crazy, colorful world of beauty and makeup. Since then, Aisles of Beauty serves readers all over the world (her biggest fan is in Mexico), and Aisles of Beauty is growing every day. Autumn credits Michelle Phan, Talia Castellano, and Karen Monterichard for inspiring her to blog, and hopes one day to do good with Aisles of Beauty. 

Autumn is quirky, gullible, and easily frightened by anything with more than four legs. Research her name and you'll realize performance is in her blood. Besides blogging, Autumn performs in her school's theater program, sings in a competition choir, and makes chocolate chip pancakes shaped like pandas... Because pandas are cute, therefore we must eat pancakes in the likeness of them. Autumn hates long walks on the beach, but will take a stroll in bustling New York any day except New Years. If you're ever wondering what to get for Autumn on her birthday (June 10), makeup (of course) and vintage Vogue Magazines are perfect. 

Visit Aisles of Beauty to read Autumn's blog!
Autumn Angelettie will be writing for iMakeupGuru, sharing advice with all the wonderful iMakeupGuru Readers. Request her advice, and ask her anything. She's willing to help! There's no such thing as a stupid question, only stupid answers, which she will be cautious to avoid. 

Hello there, beauty lovers!
First of all, thank you so much for making your way to this beauty blog community that is filled with lovely beauty bloggers from all over the world to share our beauty tips, shopping hauls, and make-up tutorials! She'd like to introduce herself to you girls!

Visit her blog at Natasha Marie to read some of her fantastic work!
Natasha Marie is a beauty blogger, photographer, and freelance makeup artist from Texas. She has a heart full of dreams and life is just beginning for her. Make-up is her passion. She loves the feeling she gets after she has done a full make over on a client and they say "I have never felt so beautiful!" It makes her day. She's dedicated to her beauty blog and has met some of the most wonderful girls from all over the world she now considers friends. She loves to share all her thoughts, shopping hauls, beauty tips and tricks, and make up tutorials for girls that are interested in the same things as her. She hopes you all enjoy this blog and the rest of the fabulous beauty bloggers here in the iMakeupGuru community! 

Hello Gorgeous ladies! Sofia Lerma has a tremendous passion for makeup. She initially started to get into make-up back in 2008 by watching videos on YouTube, then started to read many makeup blogs. Soon after, she started a beauty blog and then decided to start her own YouTube channel. She loves drugstore make-up and she basically shows how you can achieve great make-up looks without having to spend a ton of money, although she does enjoy some high-end makeup products. She also does reviews on makeup products, make-up hauls, & beauty favorites.

Visit her beauty blog by clicking Make-up By Sofia

She is very excited about joining iMakeupGuru and looks forward to reader’s feedback. Please feel free to check out her make-up blog and YouTube Channel!



Other Advice

With beauty, there is fashion. Our other style blog is iFashionGuru. iFashionGuru is built to help make your toughest fashion decisions. Is Tangerine Tango still a wise color choice? Or should I try Lusty Lime as my new color theme? iFashionGuru will inform you of all the latest fashion trends worldwide. In fact, if you happen to live outside of America, iFashionGuru is starting a segment called "Fashion Worldwide," where they blog about universal fashion.

Our Purpose

iMakeupGuru doesn't just blog about cosmetics to gain viewers. We are a community and we blog because it brings joy to our eyes when helping teens find their inner beauty using colors and designs. Makeup is a way to express yourself, to tell people who you are, to give an impression. iMakeupGuru wants to help give back to the world by sprinkling a little beauty advice here and there, to make sure teens express themselves to their fullest extent. iMakeupGuru loves you all!


All information on this blog is accurate and honest. The comments made on cosmetics and beauty products are honest opinions and therefore, can not be held against the writer because their personal experience may differ based on skin type, preferences, and past use of product. iMakeupGuru does not affiliate with any company, therefore we are not required to write specified posts on company products for advertisement, unless stated otherwise. If there are any copyright issues you may have, please inform us on the Contact Us page.